Video Clips

Equipped For The Time

We all have different abilities. God has provided us with everything we need for the time we live in. The message sums up what we have to get us through.

Giving Honor to the Man of God

The scripture records a Prophet does not have honor in his own house. It is recorded in all four gospels. During an appreciation service for our Bishop I highlighted how we can not let this happen to our man our God. Highlighting the blessing that comes when you see him as God is using him.

Who Told You That

We are pushed and pulled by everything and everyone. Even people we love and trust can have you going in the wrong direction. What is important is that you know who you are and what you believe in. I had an opportunity to preach an message titled ” Who Told You That”.

My sermon starts in Matthew 16;13 where Jesus asks his disciples two questions. Whom to men say that I the son of man am , then he follows with Whom to you say that I am? Check the video…

Walking in His Authority

Walking is said to be one of the greatest forms of exercise. The scripture even paints us a picture of God walking in the garden of Eden in the cool of the day. In this sermon I highlight a few areas where even when we walk, we have authority. I pray you are blessed and strengthened by this message.