Love On Your Family

Who is your family and how close are we? It’s good to know when things get rough and tough, your family is with you. Now more than ever before we are looking out for each other. During this virus, people are genuinely concerned for each other. When God places someone on your heart, follow through. Show your love and support the need. You don’t even have to ask. This virus has demonstrated how much we depend on each other. It also demonstrates God’s power.

Defining Your FamilyBishop Eric Clark

Relationships are being tested, stretched and strengthened. During this time most of America is at home, isolated with each other. My new office partner is my wife. For us it’s easy since we love being together. We video chat with family and talk on the phone with friends all the time. Now more than ever —— It’s Time To Refresh!

It’s Time To Refresh

Connect with us for an encouraging word to strengthen your relationship.

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