I know who I am


Knowing who you are is the most important discovery you will ever make. The sad truth is most people go through life identifying them-self through someone else. The reality show popularity provides the perfect example of how people need to identify with someone. Anyone but them-self. If I could be anyone in the world I would want to be —– ME!

Today’s post was inspired by a Mantalk Inc. in a meeting held by my friend LeNard Pope. Every month men get together and talk about things we need to talk about, together. It’s an environment where men of all cultures and religions can come together and verbally express themselves without fear or intimidation. Check out the site and join the next session.

In the word of God, Matthew 16:13 in the verse Jesus asked the question “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” After a few answers Peter got it right.  What I love most about this question is Jesus already knew who he was!

It’s critical in this life to know who you are. How much or our life is spent trying to figure out:

  • Who we are
  • What we are called to do
  • How we are going to accomplish life’s goals – our goals

Identify yourself or someone else will.

It’s Time To Refresh

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