Not What I Said

Jesus on The Cross
Retelling a story always has an element of understanding. The more you know the story offers the best opportunity to get the details correct. I have come to understand when someone is retelling a story the information presented needs to be carefully examined. Who told you? Is this person credible? Does it even sound like something believable?

What is even more challenging is retelling a story you heard. By the time it has been told 10 times the story has significantly changed from the original. Studies have been done to support that statement. What number were you when you got the story? If you plan to tell the story at least get the facts right.

The Gospel message about the resurrection of Jesus Christ has been told in the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Then again by countless laymen throughout history. The birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the rock upon which our faith is built. Faith in Jesus Christ, who he is, what he did for you is all outlined in the story. Read the story for yourself.

It’s Time To Refresh 

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