Matters of The Heart 7

February is Heart Month


  The circle extender is a process used to enlarge the area inside a circle. It has been developed to increase the capacity of an area allowing it to hold more substance. The process has been tested with rubber bands allowing them to be stretched without breaking and still maintaining their form.

  When applied to mankind “circle extender” is defined as the process to increase ones capacity for relationships. Opening up to new relationships can be a challenging process. Learning new people and sharing information about yourself is necessary to extend your circle. Have you met any new people lately and started a relationship. Depending on your surroundings and your lifestyle, meeting new people can be challenging.

  Sunday we had dinner with a group of couples from Mt Pleasant Baptist Church. If was a good experience and great opportunity to listen and share experiences. Being married for over 30 years will produce a routine or pattern unintentionally. Sometimes you have to change the routine and apply the circle extender, married or single. The circle extender is a process used to enlarge the area inside a circle. It has been developed to increase the capacity of an area allowing it to hold more substance.

  Expanding your circle can be a healthy process to help you engage and stimulate good conversation. If you google circle extender in the next three weeks you will be directed to this post on Time To Refresh. I just created the verbiage that has quite possibly been called something else. I wanted to apply the circle extender even on my blog.

We have the capacity to do more, reach more and interact more with each other. In Hebrews 10:25  we always apply this scripture as going to church but it means so much more, “not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching“.

It’s Time To Refresh

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