I know who I am

Knowing who you are is the most important discovery you will ever make. The sad truth is most people go through life identifying them-self through someone else. The reality show popularity provides the perfect example of how people need to…


Not What I Said

Retelling a story always has an element of understanding. The more you know the story offers the best opportunity to get the details correct. I have come to understand when someone is retelling a story the information presented needs to…


How much BLANK do you have

  I love these titles because so many topics can be created. I could hit time, family, money, influence, credibility, faith, fear, authority just to name a few. So I will leave it open today, you fill in the blank.…


Backup Plan

  This is the plan and we are going to follow it to the letter. If it doesn’t work, this is plan B. I can follow this logic with my firefighting background and training. Then we implement the contingency plan.…


No Mistakes

  We can find mistakes in a lot of areas. If you look long enough you will possibly find a mistake in my grammar, punctuation, verb use or some area within this post. There are parts in everyone’s life at…
