Your Vote Counts

Your vote counts With all the information available through the news, it’s hard to miss the signs about voting. We have more information at our finger tips than ever before. Now it seems when voting is so important, we do…


Assumptions are the silent killer

Assumptions are the silent killers that can destroy relationships if you let them. We are individuals with independent thoughts, so why would you assume your partner can read you mind? But there’s hope.View post to subscribe to site newsletter.


Corona Virus and Marriage

Nothing in my lifetime has put me and Rose together like this corona virus. We are around each other all the time. Thank God we get along. View post to subscribe to site newsletter.


Don’t Listen to Everyone

You can’t listen and connect with everyone. This goes for business, spiritual and even family. With so much information being presented its easy to get overwhelmed and even confused.


Walking Along Walking Alone

Today is Good Friday and I'm thinking about Christ and his walk to the cross. Our walk in life will have twists, turns, road blocks, sunshine, rain, snow, great views and terrible views but when we get to the end,…
